Browse Events - Search & Filters

In this article, learn how to search and use your filters on the Browse Events page to find the event you are looking for.


Last updated: June 4, 2024

If you are on the main events page as a client and see a lot of event options, you can use the search bar as well as the different filters available to help quickly find the event you are looking for.

By Sport Type

Browse Events - Search

  • By clicking on the magnifying glass on the top right of the page you can enter in a search word that will filter the list to only events with an event title included in the search word. See example for "camp" below.

(Desktop view)

UH browse 1-1

(In-App view)

UH app search ONE FINAL-1

Browse Events - Filters

  • In addition to the search bar, you have the option to filter your search based on category, staff member or location.

By Category

(Desktop view)

UH browse 2-1

(In-App view)

UH app search 2-1

By Staff Member

(Desktop view)

UH browse 3-1

(In-App view)

UH app search 3-1

By Sport Type


By Location

(Desktop view)

UH browse location-1

(In-App view)
UH app search 4-1

  • You also have the ability to change your view from List View to Week View which will show you all events scheduled for that specific day.

(Desktop view)

UH browse 5-1

(In-App view)

UH app search 5-1

  • Note: You have the ability to filter by multiple items at the same time