NETBANX - Viewing Transaction Details


Last Updated: April 1, 2024

When you run an Account Statement report, in the Details section there are entries in the Debit and Credit columns that you can drill down on to view details.

To view transaction details:

  1. Run an Account Statement report on the account and sub-account of your choice.
  2. In the Details section of the account details page, click the link in the Debit or Credit column of the item for which you want to view details.
  3. The resulting page contains a Transaction Details section.

The Transaction Details section may display the following fields, depending on the transaction

Field Description
Date This is the date the transaction was processed.
Batch ID For credit card transactions, this identifies the batch in which the transaction was processed.
Txn ID This is the ID Paysafe assigned to the transaction.
Merch. Txn ID This is the ID the merchant assigned to the transaction.
Name This is the name of the consumer.
Card Details For credit card transactions, this is the card brand and the last four digits of the card number.
Amount This is the amount of the transaction.