Pay a Balance Down using Account Credit

In this article, learn how to make a payment on an outstanding balance using Account Credit.


Last updated: November 1, 2023

If a client has an outstanding balance due but also had previously been issued an Account Credit, you can use that credit to pay down a balance. Try it yourself by following the steps outlined below.

Pay a Balance Down using Account Credit

  • Navigate to the Client Profile Page of a client that has both an outstanding balance and an Account Credit on file
  • To pay a balance down using Account Credit, click on View inside the Outstanding Balance box


  • The Balance History drawer will pop up on the right-hand side. Locate the specific balance listed that you would like to pay down and click on it


  • Click the three dot menu in the top right of the drawer, then select Pay Balance


  • Click the Apply Account Credit (usually listed right underneath Waive on the right hand side of the Pay Balance modal


  • Enter the specific credit amount you would like to apply to the balance and click Apply Credit


  • The Payment Amount will adjust accordingly and from here you will just need to finish the transaction in order to complete the process.
