Edit or Delete a Resource

Learn how to edit or delete a resource within Upper Hand.


Last updated: May 18, 2023

Once you've created a Resource, you will have the ability to edit it, if necessary. One reason you may need to edit a Resource is if you would like to Allow staff preference to a specific Resource so that staff member will always get put in that resource for their open booking events, if it's available at the time of booking.

Edit a Resource

  • Log into your account and hover over the main navigation bar on the left, click Resources
  • Click the pencil icon to the far right of the Resource you would like to edit
  • Make the necessary changes, click Save
    Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 1.30.10 PM
  • Clicking the trash can icon will remove the Resource.

Important Things to Note

Editing or removing a Resource will immediately institute the changes to all events, calendars and sessions currently being utilized by that resource.